Senin, 26 September 2011

Tips SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

Tips SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
What is SEO (Search Engine Optimization)? SEO in my opinion is a way that is done by the Web master or the blog master to optimize their websites or blogs in order to get good rankings on search engines or search engine. And I want to talk about are the tips on the Google search engine optimization, because for now Google is the world's most popular search engines.

and probably a lot of mistakes, but so-so for the beginner to read and try, because I write is the things that I do and still feel the benefits, as is evident from the reports of a good tracker that I use it from the site meter or google analytics that blog visitors sharing blog and english material is nearly 50 percent comes from search engines.

In order not to linger too intermezo reading, here are some tips for our blog to get good rankings on search engines:

Original Content / content original

The first thing to remember is that your blog get a good ranking on search engines is the content of your blog is orsinil fruit of your own writings or in other words is not the result of copy and paste from other people's work. Besides the optimization of search engines, copy and paste actions often invite problems from the original owner of the work, let alone that you copy and paste is protected by law or in other words, copyright, can you really will get a serious problem.

Install the Meta tag in the header template code.

The second thing that must not forget is the need to install meta tag in the header of your template code. For this one I've discussed in this post, but  in putting the meta tag is a bit different from what I have explained in these postings, if you want to install meta tag as masjohnb0y use, the code is like this:

<data:blog.pageTitle/> </ title><br><br><meta content='text/html; charset=utf-8' http-equiv='Content-Type'/><br><meta content='rohman' name='Author'/><br><meta content='1 days' name='revisit-after'/><br><meta content='Blog contain a lot of tips and trick for forex, blogging, computer' name='description'/><br><Meta content = 'blog sharing, blog sharing blogger, blog sharing material, make a blog, how to make a blog, download, free software, free, google adsense, internet business, tutorials, templates' name = 'keywords' / ><br><meta content='-5;120' name='geo.position'/><br><meta content='id' name=''/><br><br><br><br>For author and meta keywords of course be adjusted to your own property. Especially for the master, beg in the correction if there is an error code installation (beginner understand, post the code does not know).<br><br>After installing the meta tag, you should analyze the meta tag that you attach it with a meta tag analyzer. For the meta tag analyzer you can use various free tools on the internet, which is very easy you just type the keyword meta tag analyzer on the search engine below to select the Web but do not be a column of his tutorial, please try if you want.</div><p style="text-align: justify;"><br><br><br></p></DIV>

Jumat, 23 September 2011

Page Rank Blog

A few About Pagerank Blog What Is The Meaning About Pagerank Blog For Us?Pagerank Blog is a standard algorithm that is useful to assess the popularity of a blog. PageRank is one of the main features of the Google search engine which is calculated with a scale of 1-10 ( Your blog will be more popular if more and more web / blog and others who put links leading to your blog is, in other words posting on the blog is more popular than other blogs.
For what?The first is for the prestige. The higher the PageRank, the more crowded all the bloggers mania request to leave the backlinks in a blog. Although it is just to exchange links.Both are attractive advertisers to advertise in your blog. Not infrequently the advertiser is concerned about this one, because it can be reference material that you would blog on google search engine patents. This means that by typing in certain keywords in search engines, very large chance your blog will get listed in the "search". Quotation marks are hidden sentence which read something like this, "not necessarily go in search listings on the main page".
How do I get pagerank?1. Keep your blog SEO friendly. This means that if your blog appears in the main list of search engine, then the greater the chance your blog will be visited by many people. The end result expected from the many visitors to the blog, hopefully there are 2-3 people to backlink to post or blog.2. Build links, both inbound and outbound. Inbound links are web links / other blogs that point to your blog (ex: a link between the posts), while the outbound link is a link that leads you to the web / other blogs (ex: exchange links).3. Links that you make must be qualified, in other words have a fit with the theme or subject that you raise.4. Do not forget to make the link between your posts, especially for words or phrases related to the particular post in your own blog.5. Use a meta tag optimal.6. Try to browse the content (posts) are unique, interesting and original.7. Give emphasis to words or phrases associated with the keyword.8. Update your blog posts, at least 2 times a week.9. Often promoting your blog either through registering on search engines, blog walking, etc. and make sure your blog traces left on the blogs that you visit (diligent comment).
Note:The way that extreme, but legal in the eyes of search engines is the blog you get a backlink from the web / other blogs that have high pagerank. But do not ever try to buy a web link / blog berpagerank high. Find a course is free because it is more Efficient, thorough and unpretentious (pat scouts he .. he ..).
In essence, the approach used is a page would be considered important if other pages have a link to that page. A page will also become increasingly important if other pages have a rank (pagerank) refers to the page height (
Remember ...!!! Pagerank is not everything (there is Alexa ranking) ... oops ... point to what pagerank if you high in blog search engines are not included in the main page. If it does not mean having to enter the main page often promote dong. It's different if your blog entry in the main page of search engines when people type in certain keywords. Guns need hard campaign,  people will find themselves ...Suggestions And Criticism It Helps You In My Next Article Writing In This Blog ...

Sabtu, 03 September 2011

Search Engine Index

Setiap blogger pasti memimpikan untuk terindek di semua search engine (google, yahoo, msn dll). akan tetapi hal tersebut tidaklah mudah untuk dilakukan karena memerlukan ketekunan yang mendalam
ini adalah salah satu impian saya yaitu mbah google mengindeks artikel-artikel atau bacaan yang saya tuliskan dan saya yakin bukan saya saja yang memimpikan seperti itu tapi para blogger yang ada di dunia maya juga semuanya pasti menginginkan karyanya di lihat dan bisa di nikmati oleh orang banyak juga.

        Sekian banyak usaha yang saya keluarkan dan tak sedikit waktu dan materi yang saya habiskan untuk membuat blog saya bisa di nikmati oleh orang banyak dan juga kreatifitas saya tak lupa juga di nilai serta di lirik oleh para pengunjung blog itulah semangat saya untuk terus dan terus berkarya lagi.

       Kini akhirnya blog masjohnb0y sudah di indeks dalam pencarian google, awalnya saya tidak yakin kalo blog saya bakalan bisa di cara oleh mbah google, eh pas saya coba sendiri ternyata bisa menjawab semua pertanyaan dalam hati saya dengan hasil yang lebih memuaskan. Dan saya bahagia karena banyak pengorbanan untuk blogku dan sudah terbayar semuanya dan tidak sia-sia juga perjuangan ku untuk mendirikan masjohnb0y

       masjohnb0y mengucapkan banyak-banyak terimakasih untuk para pengujung setia masjohnb0y dan relawan visitor dan tak lupa juga saya ucapkan banyak terimakasih kepada sahabat blogger yang ada di dunia maya khususnya Indonesia yang tak bisa saya ucapkan satu persatu, karenanya selalu mendukung dan memberi pengarahan kepada saya.
Ok saya akhiri cuap-cuap dari saya dan maaf jika ada kata-kata yang kurang bekenan di hati dan menyinggung pembaca ,karena saya tidak punya maksud untuk pamer, ria sombong atau menyakiti hatipembaca.. kekurangan hanya milik kita semua dan kesempurnaan hanya milik tuhan pencipta maha segala.

Wassalammualaikum wr.wb

Jumat, 02 September 2011

Menghilangkan Icon Obeng Pada Navbar di Atas Blog

Menghilangkan Icon Obeng dan Tang itu judul yang aneh ya? hehe, tapi bermakna banget buat temen - temen yang suka blogging. oya sebelum menuju tema yang akan kita bahas apakah ada kesulitan mengenai cara memasang auto read more otomatis atau mengenai membuat read more disertai judul artikel? jika ya silahkan bertanya jika tidak mari kita lanjutkan. Icon yang sering desebut dengan icon Quick Edit atau dengan kata lain untuk mengedit secara cepat.Begini Caratanya:

Fungsinya jika kita ingin melakukan editing terhadap elemen tersebut tinggal klik saja icon tersebut. Icon bisa dilihat di bagian kiri tulisan ini, jika temen- temen melihatnya risi dan ingin menghapusnya caranya mudah, kita hanya menulis sedikit code css agar icon itu tidak muncul, Berikut langkah - langkah Menghilangkan Icon Obeng dan Tang "Quick edit Blogger" :

1 login ke blogger kamu
2 pilih tata letak kemudian edit html
3 tekan Ctrl+F kemudian cari ] ] > < / b : skin >
4 kalo udah ketemu, paste kode dibawah ini diatas
] ] > < / b : skin >


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