Sabtu, 01 Februari 2014

Contoh Surat Resmi yang Baik dalam Bahasa Inggris

Surat resmi atau formal letter adalah surat yang digunakan guna kepentingan resmi bagi perorangan, perusahaan, lembaga dan lain-lain yang bersifat resmi seperti misalnya surat edaran atau surat pemberitahuan kepada satu perusahaan ke perusahaan lainya atau dari orang ke orang lainnya dalam situasi resmi.

Untuk membuat surat resmi dalam bahasa inggris anda bisa melihat contoh dibawah ini :

Mr James Bond [Nama pengirim]
32 Charles Avenue [Nama Jalan]
Postcode and City [Nama kota & Kode Pos Pengirim]
Indonesia [Nama Negara]
MM/DD/YYYY [Tanggal]

Mr Richard Parker [Nama penerima]
Street Name and Number [Alamat penerima]
Postcode and City [Kota dan kode pos penerima]
Country [Negara penerima]

REF: [Enter subject, or the inquiry you are referring to] [Judul atau perihal surat]

Dear Mr Parker [Surname of the recipient], [Nama penerima]

[isi surat] I have noticed that your company has arrears in payments toward our Company, since the invoices have not being paid for the past 90 days.
In order to incent our clients to settle their obligations before the due date, we have introduced a discount model where we’ll give you 2 % waiver  of the invoiced amount if you pay us within 7 days of receiving the invoice.
I hope that both you and your company are doing well. Since you are one of our most important clients, we appreciate your business. In a case you have some questions; you can feel free to contact me at (000) 000-0000.
Signature [Tanda tangan Pengirim]
Mr James Bond [Nama pengirim]

Silahkan anda ganti nama pengirim, penerima, alamat, atau perihal contoh surat tersebut diatas.

Semoga bermanfaat!

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