Nama Sekolah : SMK Negeri 6 Semarang
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas / Semester : I / 1
Standard Kompetensi : Berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa Inggris setara Level Novice.
Kompetensi Dasar : 1.5. Menjelaskan secara sederhana kegiatan yang sedang terjadi.
Indikator : Peristiwa yang sedang terjadi dideskripsikan dengan tepat. Pertemuan Ke :1
Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 45 menit
I. Tujuan
- Siswa dapat mendeskripsikan kejadian yang sedang berlangsung dengan menggunakan pola The Present Continuous Tense.
- Siswa dapat menentukan pernyataan yang paling tepat untuk mendeskripsikan kejadian yang ada di gambar dari 4 pernyatan yang didengarnya..
II. Materi Pokok
The Present Continuous Tense
III. Metode Pembelajaran
- Individual work, pair work
- Ceramah, tanya jawab, pemberian tugas
IV. Langkah-langkah Pembelajaran
A. Kegiatan Awal
- Secara klasikal, guru bertanya kepada para siswa apa yang sedang mereka lakukan.
- Guru membahas jawaban yang muncul dan menyampaikan bahwa materi hari itu adalah The Present Continuous Tense beserta penjelasan singkat tentang penggunaannya.
B. Kegiatan Inti
- Secara klasikal guru bertanya tentang kejadian yang sedang berlangsung di gambar-gambar yang ditunjukkannya dengan menggunakan WH-questions, dan siswa menjawab pertanyaan.
- Guru menerangkan pola dan penggunaan The Present continuous Tense.
- Secara berpasangan siswa berlatih bertanya jawab tentang kejadian yang ada di gambar.
- Secara berpasangan siswa berlatih mendeskripsikan kejadian yang ada di gambar dengan menggunakan pola The Present Continuous Tense.
- Secara individual siswa memilih pernyataan yang tepat dari 4 pernyataan yang dibacakan guru untuk dicocokkan dengan gambar.
C. Kegiatan Akhir
- Guru dan siswa mereview penggunaan The Present continuous Tense untuk mendeskripsikan kejadian yang sedang berlangsung.
V. Alat / Bahan dan Sumber Belajar
· Alat / Bahan : Gambar-gambar peristiwa yang diambil dari koran atau majalah..
· Sumber Belajar :
- Contextual English for SMK MB, Book 1
- 30 Days to The TOEIC Test
- English Grammar In Use
VI. Materi Pemelajaran
The present continuous is formed with the auxiliary verb be (is, am, are) and the – ing form of the main verb.
1. Patterns
POSITIVE (S+ BE [is, am, are] + V-ing + C) | NEGATIVE (S+ BE [is, am, are] + NOT +V-ing + C) |
I am studying English now. | I am not studying English now. |
He is studying English now. | He is not studying English now. |
She is studying English now. | She is not studying English now. |
We are studying English now. | We are not studying English now. |
They are studying English now. | They are not studying English now. |
You are studying English now. | You are not studying English now. |
INTERROGATIVE (BE [is, am, are] + S + V-ing + C + ?) | |
Am I studying English now? (+) Yes, you are. (-) No, you aren’t. | Are we studying English now? (+) Yes, we are. (-) No, we aren’t. |
Is he studying English now? (+) Yes, he is. (-) No, he isn’t. | Are they studying English now? (+) Yes, they are. (-) No, they aren’t. |
Is she studying English now? (+) Yes, she is. (-) No, she isn’t. | Are you studying English now? (+) Yes, I am. (-) No, I am not. |
2. Contractions
a. I am à I’m
b. He is à He’s
c. She is à She’s
d. We are à We’re
e. They are à They’re
f. You are à You’re
a. I am not à I’m not
b. He is not à He’s not / He isn’t
c. She is not à She’s not / She isn’t
d. We are not à We’re not / We aren’t
e. They are not à They’re not / They aren’t
f. You are not à You’re not / You aren’t
3. Spelling Problems
Infinitive | Verb – ing | Explanation |
decide | deciding | Verbs ending –e, drop the –e when they add –ing. |
divide | dividing | |
like | liking | |
write | writing | |
dig | digging | Verbs with one syllable, ending in one vowel and one consonant, double the consonant when they add –ing. |
sit | sitting | |
stop | stopping | |
swim | swimming | |
die | dying | Verbs ending in –ie change the –ie to –y. |
lie | lying | |
tie | tying | |
cry | crying | No changes |
fly | flying | |
study | studying |
4. Usages
We use the present continuous to describe:
a. actions in progress at the present moment.
Tom, please answer the phone. I’m taking a bath now.
b. actions happening around now, even though not at the moment of speaking.
We’re learning how to operate the newest computer.
5. WH-questions
The foreign tourists are enjoying the gudeg in the lesehan restaurant now.
S P O Adv. of Place Adv. of Time
(Who) (What) (What) (Where) (When)
1. Who à Who are enjoying the gudeg in the lesehanrestaurant now?
* The foreign tourists are.
2. What à What are the foreign tourists doing in the lesehan restaurant now? * They are enjoying the gudeg.
3. What à What are the foreign tourists enjoying in the lesehan restaurant now?
* The gudeg.
4. Where à Where are the foreign tourists enjoying the gudeg now?
* In the lesehan restaurant.
5. When à When are the foreign tourists enjoying the gudeg in the lesehan
* Now.
VII. Penilaian
1. Jenis test: Test Tertulis, Listening
2. Norma Penilaian : 1. Setiap jawaban benar bernilai10.
2. Nilai maksimal: 10 x 10 = 100
3. Materi Test
Directions: For each question, you will see a picture in your test book and you will hear four short statements. When you hear the four statements, look at the pictures in your test book and choose the statement that best describes what you see in the picture.
No | Picture | Statement |
1. | ![]() | a. The woman is wearing pearl necklace b. The man is holding a piece of paper c. They are reading today’s newspaper d. They are discussing something |
2. | ![]() | . a. The woman is serving a meal b. They are happily married couple c. The woman is wearing a plain blouse d. The man is lying on bed in the hospital |
3. | ![]() |
4. | ![]() | . a. The flowers are blooming. b. The man is sitting in the sofa. c. Someone is closing the door. d. The painting is hanging on the wall. |
5. | ![]() | a. All of the boys are wearing hats on their heads b. They are playing games on the computers c. The woman is kneeling d. They are watching television |
6. | ![]() | a. The woman is turning on the television. b. The girl is doing a presentation. c. They are sitting on the arm chairs d. The girl is reading a comic. |
7. | ![]() | a. The customer is looking at the assistant b. The woman is buying some bags. c. Both women is having a piece of cloth on her shoulder d. Both women are wearing flower patterned dresses. |
8. | ![]() | a. The waiters are serving the guests. b. The men are eating some fruit. c. The chef is preparing the lunch. d. The men are getting something to eat. |
9. | ![]() |
10. | ![]() |
4. Kunci Jawaban:
1. d
2. a
3. a
4. d
5. c
6. b
7. c
8. d
9. c
10. b
Semarang, 20 Januari 2008
Kepala Sekolah Guru Mata Pelajaran
Drs. Edi Drajat Wiarto, M.Pd Dra. M.R.Dyah Pramesti
NIP 131666288 NIP 131763892
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